Writing Check-Up with Clever & WTF

Greetings fellow Fantasy Nerds! As we’ve now passed the four-year mark on our blog and this year is flying by, we thought it was a good time for a writing check-up. Join us as we discuss our goals, achievements, and what the future looks like for Clever&WTF. Be sure to let us know in the comments what your goals are! […]

Clever&WTF’s New Writer’s Contest!

Welcome, Writers! We have decided to host our second New Writer’s Contest, where you can win the title of “Clever&WTF’s Best New Writer of 2023”! The contest is open to all new writers, and preference will be given to previously unpublished authors (for purposes of this contest, posting to your own blog isn’t considered being published). We are leaving the […]

An Experiment in Poetry

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Last week we shared a list of our favorite poems with you. This week we decided to write our own poems, especially for this post. We are both fairly new to writing poetry, so this is a bit of an experiment. We hope you enjoy it! Sometimes – Clever Sometimes I Forget that I  Have wings to […]

Self-Care for Writers

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We decided to cover the topic of self-care for writers this week. Everyone needs to make time for self-care, but we wanted to specifically talk about some ways that writers can recharge our creativity. Write for No One to See As writers, we can get caught up in writing for others. We write for “the market” or […]

Tips for Creating an Immersive Setting

This week Clever and I will be talking about the challenges of creating a setting. It’s something we both struggle with, and thought what we have discovered thus far can help you guys! We hope you enjoy this post and find something useful to incorporate into your writing.  Let Your Interests Inspire You Think of your interests or passions to […]

Giveaway for Writers!

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We know many of our followers are writers, so we wanted to hold another giveaway especially for you! What better time for a writing giveaway than NaNoWriMo?! Keeping reading for details, but first we announce the winner of our Fantasy Giveaway… CONGRATULATIONS Kayla Rodriguez!!! Keep an eye out for a message from us on Instagram.  Now, on […]

Giveaway for Fantasy Nerds!

We have a very special post this week for you guys! To show our appreciation for following our blog, Clever and I decided to do a couple of giveaways! This first giveaway will feature items all handmade by WTF! We were brainstorming how we could give back and show how grateful we are for everyone’s support, and here we are! […]

How to Get Out of a Writing Rut

All writers experience a rut at some point in their writing career. Some ruts are short bouts of writer’s block that might last a few days. And sometimes we hit those giant potholes that turn out to be craters that swallow us for months at a time. So what do we do when this happens? Acceptance First off, acknowledge that […]

How to Build Confidence in Your Writing Ability

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! In the past we have mentioned that in order to succeed in your writing, you need to have confidence in yourself. So how do you build that confidence in your writing abilities? We’re here to share with you our path to believing in ourselves. It is something we are always working to improve, but that we both […]