Inspirational Journal for Writers

Welcome, Writers! We found this great idea for a positivity journal and thought it would be a helpful idea for writers. We took the ideas provided and tweaked them a bit to make them specific to writers. We thought it would be fun to share the ideas with you, in case you needed some inspiration. Read on to see how […]

How to Begin Writing a Story

We know from first-hand experience that beginning a story is the hardest part. Sometimes it’s coming up with the story idea in general, other times it’s putting those first words onto paper. So, we decided to share some of the strategies that have worked for us. Start with the Ending If you’ve never heard this before, we wanted to let […]

How to Tell When You Need a Break from Writing

There is a lot of writing advice out there that stresses the importance of sticking to a writing routine. For the most part, this is good advice. However, everyone needs a break at times, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about that. So when should you take a break from your writing, and how do you make sure the break is […]

Clever&WTF’s New Writer’s Contest!

Welcome, Writers! We have decided to host our second New Writer’s Contest, where you can win the title of “Clever&WTF’s Best New Writer of 2023”! The contest is open to all new writers, and preference will be given to previously unpublished authors (for purposes of this contest, posting to your own blog isn’t considered being published). We are leaving the […]

Writing Quotes to Inspire and Motivate You

Welcome, Writers! Today we thought we would share some of our favorite quotes about writing, and why we like them. We could all use some motivation and inspiration every once in a while. We hope these quotes are helpful to you! Read a Lot If you’re a writer, it’s certain that you read a hefty amount of books as well. […]

Setting Up a Writing Spot

Items to Make Your Space Comfy First and foremost, you want your writing space to be somewhere you enjoy spending time. Make sure you have enough space to write, a comfortable chair, and an ambiance that leaves you feeling creative. Clever has a large desk with an extra monitor and keeps a pillow with a quote from one of her […]

Best Writing Tools For Fantasy Nerds

Welcome Fantasy Nerds! This week we will be discussing our favorite writing tools. Writing tools can be anything from a physical item you use for writing, or steps you take to focus on your writing, continue reading for our favorites! Bullet Journals On our recent writing retreat, Clever gifted me with an Archer & Olive bullet journal that matches her […]

Our DIY Writing Retreat

Welcome, Writers! If you saw our prior post, you know we decided to create our own writing retreat right here in sunny Florida. We found the DIY writing retreat idea from Rhonda Douglas and used it as a guide. As promised, we came back to show you how it went! Day 1 – Art and Inspiration in St. Augustine For […]