DIY-ing a Writing Retreat

Welcome, Writers! We have decided to try something fun, and we wanted to invite you to join us! Have you ever thought about going on a fancy writing retreat in some far-off place, only to realize you can’t afford the cost or the time off from work? We always thought a writing retreat just wasn’t going to be possible for […]

Book Review: Fiction Tinker’s Guide to Whimsical Worlds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Today we are sharing our thoughts on a new worldbuilding book that we think will be helpful to our fellow fantasy authors. Read on for our review, the book blurb, and where to purchase Fiction Tinker’s Guide to Whimsical Worlds! ✨Review✨ Before reading this book I had been stuck in the middle of my novel, looking for […]

Best Songs to Write Fantasy Stories To

This week we will be talking about our favorite songs to write Fantasy stories to! Listening to different music can help set the tone for many different things. It’s healthy to get in the right mindstate for certain activities, and for writing it’s no different! We hope you enjoy our list, and find some new favorites! Willow by Taylor Swift […]

Best Hiking Spots for Fantasy Nerds

This week we wanted to talk about some hiking spots that we think not only make you feel as if you’re in a fantasy, but also inspire creativity when writing about settings. Writing a fantasy setting can be quite daunting, but some time in nature can work wonders, especially if those spots inspire ideas for a setting! This is a […]

New Year’s Writing Resolutions

Happy New Year! We thought a great way to start off the New Year would be to share some of our writing-related goals with you and ask you to share some of yours. Let’s encourage each other along our journeys! Connect with Our Community One big goal that both of us want to focus on this year is connecting with […]

Tips for Creating an Immersive Setting

This week Clever and I will be talking about the challenges of creating a setting. It’s something we both struggle with, and thought what we have discovered thus far can help you guys! We hope you enjoy this post and find something useful to incorporate into your writing.  Let Your Interests Inspire You Think of your interests or passions to […]

How to Get Out of a Writing Rut

All writers experience a rut at some point in their writing career. Some ruts are short bouts of writer’s block that might last a few days. And sometimes we hit those giant potholes that turn out to be craters that swallow us for months at a time. So what do we do when this happens? Acceptance First off, acknowledge that […]

Anniversary Celebration & Blog Tour!

We wanted to do a special post to celebrate our one year anniversary at Clever & WTF! We cannot believe we have been sharing our stories and posts with you for over a year already! It seems like just yesterday that we were getting excited over our first comments and followers. (OK, we still get excited over every comment and […]

Quick Hacks for Increased Energy and Productivity

We know that one of the biggest struggles for writers is not having enough energy or focus to write. Let’s be real, most of us work full time jobs and have family obligations that leave us exhausted by the time we get the chance to write. This is really true for anyone that’s trying to run a side business or […]